Barton Stacey History Group



We research, care for and share the archives of the parish of Barton Stacey, Hampshire.



Bill Goddard provided a barn in the field to the west of the Vicarage in which a stage was erected for the band. This was decorated by Mrs Gordon Clark and Mrs Mills. Roy & Beryl Norris closed The Swan for the afternoon and decamped to provide the bar in the barn. Entertainment was provided by a disco and by the village ‘pop group’ of Trevor Drinkwater.

The Army provided the sound system which, together with the lighting for the barn and outside areas, was set up by Mr Bates. Announcements were made throughout the festivities by Fred Lester.

Old photos of the parish were exhibited on display boards in a marquee on the recreation ground. The marquee was hired from 2nd Andover Boys’ Brigade.

Josie McCabe's children ran the pop bar helped by several more of the older children in the village. Sports for the children were run by the Football Club.

A tent was provided by Mr Giles of Bullington, manned for First Aid by the parish’s two qualified nurses, Mrs Barbara Evans and Mrs Whittaker junior, together with an experienced ambulance man.

Mrs Owen Edmund's son Tom was official photographer and the committee provided the films (remember films for cameras?!).

The Church bells were rung by members of the church bell-ringing team:

The Vicar, Tony Freeman, Julie Dewey, Janet Dewey, Brenda Read,

Julie Kingston, Carol Scoates.


The total income from all sources in the Jubilee fund was £878 2p. The total expenditure was £430.34, leaving a balance of £450.88.

An open meeting of the parishioners was held on 17 June 1977, when the chairman of the Jubilee committee addressed a packed Village Hall.

After considerable discussion it was agreed that £100 should be given to the National Appeal**. The Jubilee committee was asked to purchase a portrait of the Queen for the village hall and to spend the remainder of the money on levelling the children's playground or providing a piece of apparatus or both.

**The Prince of Wales led a National Appeal, known as The Queen’s Silver Jubilee Appeal, devoted to young people and, in particular, encouraging them to help others in local communities.

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Mrs Kate Bowers and Mrs Vera Riggs.

TEA FOR 600 !

Who was leading and who was inside?

The actual anniversary of The Queen’s Silver Jubilee Accession to the Throne was on 6th February, 1977. The national celebrations in the United Kingdom were held in the summer, the highlight of which was the first weekend in June.

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